We combine 极速赛车开奖官网开奖-澳洲幸运5开奖官网开奖 168极速赛车最新开奖号码 1分钟极速赛车开奖记录查询 the art and technology of trading games.
Our company started back in 2008 as a local gaming company.
Since then we’ve come a long way to become a leading worldwide games trader and developer of disruptive projects for the global gaming industry.
Welcome to
Global 极速赛车官方开奖历史记录查询 一分钟向前冲 极速赛车快速查询开奖结果 75秒全国统一开奖数据直播 Games!
We connect all available marketplaces, wholesale partners, retail shops and publishers.
We are a reliable and trusted partner for other businesses and contribute to the evolution and sustainability of the global gaming community.
In 2017, we sold over 6 000 000 games and game cards
for Steam, Origin, PSN, XBOX, GOG and other platforms.
We love games!
We develop and support our own games and always try to maintain that old-school gaming community sense of friendship and humor in our company.
Our 168极速赛车官方开奖结果 75秒极速赛车开奖视频/一分钟/168赛车开奖官网 飞车官方开奖直播 Company Timeline
1 person
Company founded
4 employees
Wholesale department established
11 employees
Retail CRM developed and and automation implemented
20 employees
Retail department established
35 employees
B2C web services
launched -
70 employees
Over 5M copies of games and related software sold
130 employees
Over 7M copies of games and related software sold
Years of worldwide game trading experience
Qualified and passionate employees
Total copies of games sold
contact us
Thank you for contacting us!
We will respond as soon as possible. Best regards, Global Games team.